HAPPY PARAMEDICS WEEK!! We are so excited to announce our gift-card winners every day this week! The Monday and Tuesday winners will be announced shortly! We also asked you to submit photos showcasing the faces of paramedicine in your service as part of a photo contest, and we received some great submissions that we want…

Upcoming CME opportunity Thursday, May 26, 2022 from 9-5:30pm. Register at www.canadianparamedicresearch.ca. HSN CPC Base Hospital will allot medics 7 CME points.

We are hosting a daily draw from May 23rd-May 27th to give all authorized paramedics in our region a chance at winning a $50.00 gift-card of their choosing! Also, since we had so much fun last year seeing all of your great photo submissions, we cannot wait to see them again this year! This year’s…