Is it acceptable to administer dextrose immediately after glucagon if an IV was achieved after glucagon administration (failed IV attempts, give glucagon, try another IV with success, give dextrose). If so, would I have to record a new sugar reading prior to dextrose administration even if I’m prepared to give dextrose immediately after glucagon? Would there be any changes to the number of max doses of either drug I could administer in this case?
1 Answers
In summary, based on the pharmacokinetics of these medications, you should give time for them to work before re-checking and potential re-administering the medication. Give 10 minutes for dextrose and 20 minutes for glucagon. There would be no change to the number of maximum doses. However, note, if further glycemic treatment is required (patient still symptomatic and hypoglycemic despite appropriate dosages and after waiting the appropriate time) it is reasonable to patch to the BHP for direction.
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