Ask Mac – Questions ListCategory: AnalgesiaKetorolac Qualification
asked 6 months ago
Adult patient is complaining of 10/10 cervical pain post diving accident. GCS is 15, no prior LOC. Was initially hypotensive @ 96/P but now 124/70. To qualify for a potential Ketorolac admin, a condition states that such is normotensive. Can the pt. potentially receive Ketorolac or Nitro, once hypotensive during contact, no longer qualifies? Thanks!
1 Answers
answered 5 months ago
Thank you for your question. Unlike nitroglycerin, NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen or Ketorolac do not cause hypotension. In a patient who’s vital signs normalize, administration of ketorolac would be acceptable. In fact, I would consider removing the normotensive condition for Ketorolac in the ALS PCS for the next iteration.