Ask Mac – Questions ListCategory: General QuestionsWhat is the differentiating QRS for paediatric tachycardia?
asked 10 months ago
As per PALS guidelines they utilize a QRS less than 0.09 for narrow complex and greater than 0.09 for wide complex. As per BH hospital can we use these guidelines?
1 Answers
answered 10 months ago
Thank you for your question. In the clinical scenario of tachycardia with a pediatric patient, an EKG showing a QRS complex that is <= 0.09 seconds would be an appropriate interval cutoff for decision making in determining a Narrow vs. Wide complex tachycardia. The Base Hospital supports the use of this interval cutoff for pediatric patients. Quite often a quick visual of the QRS complex suffices to determine if it’s narrow or wide. However, in the pediatric patient, the tachycardia’s are usually of such high rates that this quick visual can sometimes be challenging. Therefore using the rule of thumb of a QRS cut off of 0.09 in the pediatric patient is helpful in this decision making.