Wishing a happy Woman’s Day to the strong, intelligent, and simply wonderful female employees in the CPC department. Thank you for all your hard work in the office, your efforts are appreciated and acknowledged by all of us!

Click here to read the article!

The Ontario Paramedic Clinical Guide app (OPCG) has recently been updated! We suggest that the previous app be deleted and reinstalled to complete the update and see the latest changes, including those related to v4.9 ALS PCS. Click here to be directed to the OPCG.

New questions and answers have been added to Ask Mac! Click here to see the latest uploads: https://hsncpc.ca/questions-list/ If you have a question – ask us! We encourage you to use our search and FAQ for a quick response!

The Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (ALS PCS) has been updated to v4.9 and has an “in-force” date of February 1, 2022. This version contains a group of Medical Directives that were updated based on the Ontario Base Hospital Group (OBHG) Comprehensive Medical Directive Review process. The changes to this batch of updated directives…

Click the link below to see the article from the North Bay Nugget! https://www.nugget.ca/news/paramedic-climbs-through-window-to-rescue-injured-dog-groomer

Paramedic Kudos On December 22nd, 2021, an off-duty HSN employee noticed a gentleman, possibly inebriated, having a difficult time walking downtown. It was -20 C that day. While the HSN employee was attempting to cross a busy intersection to assist, a Greater Sudbury Paramedic crew stopped their ambulance and inquired if the gentleman needed help….

Health Sciences North Centre for Prehospital Care 2021 Fall Rounds Sessions have been completed. Kudos to the Paramedic Practice Coordinators: Eric Levasseur, Luc Simard, Marty Pilkington, and Cory Sohm for having completed 77 Fall Round Sessions combined and providing in-person Skills Review to over 720 paramedics in the Northeast!!

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